Have you loved a patch of your lawn to death – from foot traffic, the dog or the trampoline sitting in the same spot too long? It’s not too late to repair it and get it established before the cooler weather comes and lawn growth slows.
For best results don’t mow your lawn too low, its much better to mow high and often. Most people think mow it low and its easier, but a lawn that has been scalped will need more water and will be under stress which allows weeds to get established. By mowing higher the leaf blades are able to shade the soil, reducing heat build-up and reducing evaporation.
If your lawn is going to seed you are not mowing it often enough. The energy that goes into producing the seed is wasted energy that could help the appearance of your lawn.
If you’ve been away on holiday and the lawn has taken off, don’t knock it over in one go. Mow it on your highest level and reduce it every couple of days. It will look better and recover more quickly.
If your lawn looks a little whitish after mowing, the blades are smashing the leaf instead of cutting cleanly. The white will actually burn off to brown and give your lawn the appearance it is under stress.
While most gardeners feed their lawn in Spring and Summer, Autumn is still warm and a good time to fertilise to make your lawn as strong as possible for Winter. Lawns are just like garden beds and respond well to complete fertilisers with nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium being the most important for even growth.
When it comes to watering, look for loss of colour, the leaf blade closing or the lawn going to seed. These are signs that your lawn is in need of love and water.
Everyone loves a lush green lawn. Be the envy of your neighbours by following these simple tips and your lawn will soon be lush and green in time for winter.