It’s that time of year again when the communities of the Shoalhaven come together to participate in the local country shows. Kiama Show was a huge success last weekend and they were very lucky weather wise with Sunshine throughout the whole show.
This weekend, Friday the 1st & Saturday the 2nd February is the annual Berry Show on at the Berry Showground. This year is Berry’s 125th show, so its sure to be a good one! Woodchopping is one of the more popular attractions at the show along with the Berry Showgirl competition and lets not forget all the rides & showbags for the kids.
Next weekend, Friday the 8th & Saturday the 9th Of February is the annual Nowra Show and it will be held at the Nowra Showground. Ray White is a proud sponsor of the Nowra Show Society. The two day event is filled with something for all of the family, from v8 utes, rodeo, wood chopping, showgirl competition, fireworks, sideshow rides & showbags. Admission for adults is $12.00, Concession (Pensioners & students) $10.00 and children (between 5 years & under 16 years) $5.00.